Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's coming along.

I think it should be repeated how well this wool ease Lion brand stuff is knitting up. Not that I'm some type of yarn snob; I use whatever I like but others have had their doubts about the cheap stuff. I guess I better not speak too soon. I still have to knit the front, the arms and then block, seam, and sew in a zipper before I can really brag. As ya'll can see I'm halfway done with the back. Doesn't my little bottom ribbing look so cute? Excuse me, this is my first sweater. I did my gauge swatch I really hope this baby fits when I am done.


Prof. Knitwit said...

Hi Ninabeena!

Thanks for leaving your comments. The beginnings of your sweater looks great - such a beautiful green emerald color. I must say though - you're very brave - those needles look tiny!! You must have a lot of patience!

Looks like aside from us both knitting our first sweater, we have a lot in common - I'm 26 and have been married for 4 years!! To answer your question, I've been knitting since about October - so I'm a pretty new knitter too.

Well, looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

Ninabeena said...

Thanks a million for commenting! Cool. I'll be keeping up with yours as well.

YarnB said...

I can't believe that you are going to do a zipper!!!!!! You are so brave!!!!!!! I love your dogs face by the way! Lisa

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!! You go girl! I am impressed and the lion brand.... looks good. When are we getting together. I think I've talked to you more online than in person....CALL ME (remember the marshmallows) ha ha

Ninabeena said...

Woohoo! I love having comments! Thank you guys so much. I'm trying to challenge myself a little with the sweater and the zipper and all. I hope it all works out well. You guys will get to see it all here- well somewhat.
I forgot to tell Prof. knitwit that the needles that I am using are a size 8. The ribbing is done in a 6. It hasn't been too horrible because the sweater is so short (I say this now; Lord only knows what my tune will be in another week.)You guys are just making my experience so fun...I love this.