Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another List- 7 Random Things

1. I like the dictionary. I like it so much I've thought about carrying around a mini version in my purse because it's so handy to be able to look up the specific definition and origin of a word. It's also interesting to look up the definition to words that are used frequently; it's incredible how many words are actually used out of proper context.
2. I think about a trillion things I could blog about all the time and would actually love to present my posts in an intriguing/clever way (like so many of the other cool bloggers online do- how do their brains work that creatively?) but I always end up just slapping the words down and never saying or including any of the cool things that are really happening in my life.
Sorry guys- I'm actually so much cooler than this- LOL
3. Its become hard for me to cry about things that really matter to me. I've been known to cry over the Campbell's soup commercial where the little girl in the new foster home confesses that her mother used to make her tomato soup or if I think I've really hurt someones feelings unintentionally but won't allow myself to shed a tear if Matty or a close friend or family member really upsets or hurts me. In situations that really matter my emotions are turned completely OFF- cold as ice. I used to not be this way.
4. I'm not particularly into sports (aside from Boxing-it's my favorite) but I LOVE watching PTI on ESPN.
5. Though I tend to lean toward teals and blues a lot I actually don't have a favorite color. I pretty much like-love them all and I dress according to mood and season as to what colors I wear. This summer yellow is in and I've bought several yellow accent pieces. (bright and punchy and pastel yellows) I'm also wearing alot of navy from last season because I bought all my clothes a size smaller last year and couldn't fit them- I can fit them this year and I'm wearing those navy shirts with my cute navy shoes whether it's in or not.
6. I love my skin. I love that I can wear any color I want and not get "washed out". I love that I don't have to tan. I love how soft it is too thanks to the stock I currently own in baby oil and cocoa butter.
7. I love ice cream in an unnatural way. I'm actually not that big on "desserts" for example cakes and brownies and cookies (don't get me wrong I like them and all) but I actually LOVE ice cream.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Drive by update

1. I am ripping/redoing Clapotis. I really like it. I really like the yarn. I screwed up the pattern one too many times to keep going though. Better rip and do it right.
2. My Sockret Pal still hasn't received socks from me because I have not freaking finished them yet. I'll be mailing a ridiculously bountiful final package (partially out of guilt.)- You will received a beautiful pair of hand knit socks from me eventually, Parisa- in the meantime enjoy the "booty."
(Just getting prepared for PiratesIII)
3. Delta is balled up in a bag somewhere...I'll try to find her one day.
4. Got a couple of crocheted hats to show you guys.
5. Knitting a log cabin blanket.
6. Matty went to Ranger school.
7. Went to Strings and Strands in Atlanta. Loved it- I got some really cool stuff there too.
8. I love Atlanta
9. I got a RETAIL job at Ulta- the fact that it is part- time and at Ulta makes it all better. I actually really like it and am being paid significantly more than I ever thought I would according to Georgia standards for part time non- office work.
10. I went ahead decided to start studying to get certified as a personal trainer thru NASM. Of course I've fallen off the workout and healthful eating wagon just in time to compliment my new commitment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by neeneepet
Awwwww, shucks. I just got a Flickr and I can post a blog from it, watchouttherenow!
BTW, I'm still here. I just got a job and have been working and trying to get in my Matty time before he went Ranger school. More to come. We went to Atlanta and saw a game and visited a yarn store.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The weekend before the extravaganza…

Matty and I went to Providence Canyon here in the good ol durty. It was nice. I really enjoyed hiking thru the woods. It was also funny to watch the educational video before we hiked. It pretty much revealed that scientist really have no idea how the canyons were really formed; just a hodgepodge of theories; some downright laugh out loud hilarious. Nevertheless, it was beautiful out there.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Namaste bag

I started another project after my last “Woe is the World-I just want to quit” entry. It’s the Knitty cabled yoga bag, Namaste.

I’ve actually been practicing yoga pretty regularly and figured knitting this project would be motivation for me to stick with it. I was right. I have been gettin’ my Vinyasa on like a champ and I love it. I really want to finish this project up so I can use my bag and buy a cute matching/coordinating mat. Right now the mat I’m using is like 4 years old and primary crayon blue.
Here you can see where I’ve knit half a skein of Manos- I realized that I wasn't going to make it with just two at this point....

(doesn’t it kinda remind ya of granny panties? lol)

I had the skeins of the Manos del Uruguay in my stash for a few years actually so I ordered two more (nope, it's true- I don’t care that the dye lots are COMPLETELY different) and have been kind of die hard knitting. I wanted to use the wool as oppose to the suggested cotton- I just like wool so I went for it even though I had cotton in my stash too. This is the project I took to West Palm Beach and Orlando. It got some knitting time on the flights going there but even though I was delayed about 800 MILLION hours on the way back I just didn’t feel like working on the bag. I kinda burnt myself out knitting it for it bit I think. This is where I am now.

I hope to finish it soon actually- now that I’ve got my hats to break up the monotony.

PS- If I’d known cables were so totally awesome and easy I would have done them a long time ago. Long live cables!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Now we return to our regularly scheduled...

Let’s start from the beginning of when I first fell off the Earth. (Speaking of Earth- anybody else been watching the Planet Earth series on Discovery besides me. I LOVE it. I think it is amazing. I only wish it were more in depth and that there was more)
Anyway, I think the last thing I was saying had to do with being dissatisfied with everything I was doing. Well obviously, I’ve moved on from that. I bought this book,
and promptly whipped up this hat about 1 ½ hours later.
I was so excited I didn’t even weave in the ends as you can see.
I’ve started another two but then went to West Palm Beach and Orlando for a wedding/graduation extravaganza so I haven’t picked them back up since.

More to come

Back from Florida. More to come soon.