Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Man, I have pretty much fallen off the earth this past week. I have gotten a lot done though. I sent both of my pals packages (secret sistah friend and my colorswap partner). Since my color swap partner is close by she should get her package tomorrow. My Californian sistah friend wasn't slated to get hers until Thursday.
All of this is no secret because I am the worse at keeping any. The first night I made contact with Anne, my name was splashed all over the email even though I called myself keeping it anonymous...whatever!
I got my package LAST WEEK from my color swap pal. I will post up all the wonderful things she sent me later on tonight(I'm at work right now.) My package was spectacular! She sent me nerd ropes; my husband LOVES those things. He very much appreciated them-ha!
She sent me this beautiful purple GGH touche yarn. It's velour and it is SOOOOOO soft. I've got to make something out of this immediately! I just want to have it around to drag over my skin when I'm having a bad so yeah, moving on....
She sent me this really cute little black doll stuffed with hair bands; I love her. She is too cute and I needed the hair bands b/c I go thru them like crazy with me going to the gym all the time and I've gotta keep my hair or braids off of me or it will drive me insane.
She also sent me a purple Nike hat that I can run in. When I get back from vacation August 2nd my new running program begins Aug.3! You best believe I got a pair of shoes to match it too. You know a sistah's gotta look cute.
Have a look, my colorswapper made me tons of these snazzy beaded bracelets. They are too cute. THANK YOU SO MUCH- I LOVED EVERYTHING. Check me out, "You gotta cooorrdinate...."
Answer me this, if you can tell me what movie that line is from I will give you this yarn. It is 4 skeins of Lion Brand Homespun in the color 370 Coral Gables; all the same dye lot number. I will pay shipping and all.

Since the line is slightly vague I will give you a hint: Mushroom coat and mushroom belt.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I actually still haven't finished a single project that I've posted on here but I have started new ones. I decided that it was important for me to knit some thing for all my friends that i love and care about before we move on to Italy in a year or so. I've started to knit some Christmas gifts and plan what I'll be knitting folks for Christmas. If any of "the fam" is reading then realize your getting something knitted as a gift!
Also realize that this is a big deal. Those knitted gifts contain minutes/hours/days dedicated to you, sometimes prayed for you, or just spent thinking about your or being a person committed to loving you. KNITTED GIFT = LOVE. So appreciate it and don't hurt my feelings, you freaks!:-)
I've been knitting this one particular hat for about a decade now because it includes intarsia that I designed and I keep screwing it up. Of course I only realized how badly I've screwed it up this last time by the time I was more than halfway done with the thing! Anyway, I'm ripping it back for the third or fourth time to better days before the inartsia and trying the chart again...if it doesn't go well this time I may just FREAK OUT. Wish me luck.
I also started a snazzy intreloc scarf for another friend- it's actually pretty fun. It's like a little puzzle! You're only working 10 stiches at a time so it's not very intimidating. The directions can be a little confusing sometimes but I actually feel pretty good about this one.
Soon I'll be starting some of those Neka bags for some of the girls only I plan to use wool and felt them. Maybe some Noro is in order!
Speaking of new yarn; there seems to be a few different yarns on the list for me to buy. Capital Yarns actually sent me an email saying they are having a blow out sale complete with chocolate fountain... I'll be looking for the following...I'll let y'all know how that whole things goes

1. Alchemy Bamboo yarn- in purple hues
2. Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb - in purples or vibrant greens
3. Fiesta La Luz Multi- in same colors as above
4. 2 balls Lion Brand cashmere blend in gray
5. Noro in any colorway I like because it's just awesome like that

Now I know this looks like an expensive list but keep in mind that I will only need one skein each aside from item number 4, plus most likely I won't buy them all this weekend...all of them are for Christmas gifts. I may look at some Rowan cotton too. I might just order it from Knit Happens since it's featured this week. Who knows
I'll be in touch. Adios, peeps!
I’ve been thinking and apparently that’s dangerous.
Actually, I think about EVERYTHING- I’ve been accused of thinking too much a couple of times. Whatever, it’s me. It’s who I am.
I feel like I’ve been sabotaging myself for the past few weeks eating wise. I wouldn’t say I’ve been going buck nutty but I haven’t been sticking to the plan. I realize that I’ve been doing this for so long that I may have lapses but I’ve had the I don’t care self destruct attitude for a bit now. My inner dialogue has definitely been like, “Man, I work out ALL THE TIME, I’m freaking tired of not being able to eat what I want. It’s not like I want to gorge myself but frick I’d like to have desert or some ice cream or even and apple or some random fruit that amazingly isn’t on the program here and there.”
I have to admit I’ve almost been a whiny little child on the inside, (doing the whole “this isn’t fair” thing) and I’ve been fighting myself….
I also realized that I keep planning and wanting to do this personal training thing- it’s a goal and a desire of mine but I’m not making it happen and it is in my realm of possibility to make it happen. I control that and I keep putting it off, making excuses, making start dates or deadlines instead of just doing it. My friend and some of my friends at the gym have done some bodybuilding competitions and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do; something I probably appreciate and have a passion for more than any of them but I keep sitting on the sidelines and living my life vicariously thru them—being the supportive friend when I really wish it were me accomplishing those things for myself.
I wonder if we are all really that smart (or dumb depending on how you look at it) as to were our subconscious has such a big effect on the motives for which we do or don’t do things. Am I afraid to reach my goals? Could I be avoiding having to hold myself to a higher standard or actually do all the things I promised myself I would do when I lost the weight? Honestly, I have always believed that everyone’s potential in the world is so great…we could all be the most amazing versions of ourselves living to the optimum ability to what God intended for us; I love it when people excel and do great things- am I secretly afraid to live up to my own potential? On the inside I feel like I could do anything but other things cloud that confidence. Could I be apprehensive to living up to the …”deals” I’ve made with my husband? Is the concern for what others might think about me if I fail or when I succeed peeping thru my subconscious?
I made the decision last summer to start losing the weight and I’ve done an alright job but I can do better. I’ve made some decisions about myself. I’m not going to be obsessive about this whole thing but I am going to finish this, I coulda been done already – the exercise is fun and it’s the “easy” part for me. FOOD, Lord have mercy, it’s an issue.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My secret sistah friend is just awesome...she sent me a nifty little note in the mail. Now I have a clue about her....She's from Cincinnati (according to the postage). I may be able to narrow things down. She asked me about some things I like and I really have to think about that.
I know that she meant knitting/yarn related but it got me thinking. I watch Oprah all the time and you know how every year she has her favorite things list? I thought wouldn't it be cool to comprise a Nina's most favorite things list? So going from the Oprah tradition the only things on this list will be things I've tried or things I have that I own and love. A lot of them actually are knitting related because it's an extreme hobby of mine but others are just things I love...maybe in the future I will make a long to love list, as in the items that I long to love but probably never will because they are way too expensive; as it would have it already some of these items are WAY over in the luxury category and are not regular occurences in my own life (probably not an issue with oprah) Anyway, below is my top 50 Favorite things and no they are not in any particular order. By the way I love making list...I'm surprised I haven't done any of this prior

Nina's Favorite things

1. Banana Laffy Taffy
2. Banana Runts
3. My pink Ipod mini
4. Gold's gym - The gym is awesome, it has a mechanical rock climbing wall, a physical rehad center, a mini spa (facials/massages), and tanning bed. The classes there are awesome and free except for the Reformer Pilates class and most of all the people there are friendly and fun and welcoming at my gym. I've made some peeps there...
5. Victoria's Secret Full Coverage Ipex Bras
6. Victoria's Secrete Shock Absorber Sports Bra
7. Sneakers in general but in particular Nike Shox
8. Alchemy Bamboo Yarn
9. Lion Brand Cashmere Blend Yarn
10. Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Yarn
11. Target
12. Food Network
13. Rachel Ray- yes I subscribe to her magazine, YUMMO! I also like Sandra Lee's semi- homemade style and the Iron Chef
14. Cookbooks- I actually kind of collect them (at least that is what I'm calling it since I’ve acquired so many)
15. Bulky yarns-wool in particular (even though I’m "big boned" and people say never knit with bulky if you're carrying a few extra pounds, I don’t care. I like bulky)
16. Funky knitting needles- I actually have those Joanns sparkle/glitter straight needles, I saw those new lite brite needles and would like to have them but these needles are actually on their way to my house this very minute. Snazzy!
17. Pretty or fun or cute paper stationary
18. Journals- here’s an example of the last ones I bought as gifts (if you know me and receive a gift from at some point in life you will receive a journal from me because I just love them that much and think they are a practical gift for every person)
19. Coconut, pina colada, and Hawaiian scented and flavored drinks, perfume, body spray, body lotion, gum, lolly pops, pretty much anything that carries the scent and flavor- you can call it an obsession.
20. Things with my name or initials on them. – You know how when your on vacation and looking in the souvenier shops for gifts and they always have keychains ors shot glasses w/ your name on them…for some reason it rare that my name is there and it really does bug me…it not the serious and it shouldn’t but it really gets to me!
21. Shoes- I don’t discriminate but there is a special place in my heart for boots.
22. Purses- I like to coordinate and I like cute stuff, I have many knitting bags too.
23. Muscle and Fitness Hers Magazine (it's been thru a lot of changes over the years but i just can't let go, it's a good fitness publication) and Oxygen Magazine
24. IKEA
25. Pier 1
26. Direct TV- I love having Tivo and now that I have it I will NEVER go back to basic cable or to Comcast for that matter. DOWN WITH COMCAST!!!!!
27. PHO- Pho Saigon in my area in particular w/ the fresh spring rolls and peanut sauce-holler at your gurl, they are scrumptous!
28. Mexican Food- El Charro or Mateo's especially
29. Arnold Schwarzenegger- Don’t laugh! I’ve seen pretty much every movie he’s ever made and when I was little I was going to marry him. It’s such a shame because I hear he is or use to be a huge egotistic maniacal jerk…:-(
30. Taylors of Harrogate Black Currant Tea- I love herbal and green as well but for some reason I LOVED this little english black breakfast tea. Mmmmm, Mmmmm- this is good stuff; I've had it every time I go to tea at the Ritz. I liked it so much I did an online search to get me some of that thur tea when I couldn’t find it in the stores.
31. The Color Purple; seen the movie more times than I can count, read the book a couple times and just recently was given a hardcover copy as a gift. My hubby gave me the best Christmas present ever when he took me to see it on Broadway in NYC this past January.
32. Knit.1 magazine and Vogue Knitting magazine; I love looking at Rowan and Cedifra (sp) and Rebecca too.
33. MySpace-I love myspace it keeps me connected with all my peeps and I always feel special when I have a new comment or message-love love love
34. Oprah
35. Mail - I love receiving mail and packages; it makes me feel special and it’s so special because people really have to make and effort and think about you to send you a note or something in the mail these days. I’ve always love receiving mail- Bills get irritating to pay but I don’t mind receiving them in the mail w/ my name on them and all. It kinda feels good. (I love getting email too)
36. Church- I love going to church (except it being early in the morning)- Don’t get freaked out by the top picture it I think that was after some type of church production or something. We aren’t like WACO worshipers or drinking rattlesnake venom or anything. It’s a normal church with normal folks.
37. Massages, manicures, pedicures, or getting my hair or eyebrows done- most of the time its’ not as expensive as you would think – actually if you’re getting a weave it’s expensive but otherwise, No- Plus, it makes me feel like a diva and I feel better and more put together about myself too.
38. Alias - I actually started watching this show (thanks to TNT reruns) probably about a year a go and I am finally caught up to the last season so I can’t wait to see how it all ends.
39. Gelati's- it's a wonderful combination of Italian ice and soft serve ice cream/custard. You guessed it I usually get vanilla ice cream with either pina colada or mango flavored italian ice or a combo.
40. Ice cream- Coldstone or Ben and Jerry's is my favorite; in New Mexico they have this place called Caliche' is THE best. Mmmmmmh!
41. Bookstores or Libraries. I just enjoy being in the presence of books and in that atmosphere. Weird I know, yet true. I could say the same for yarn stores. My husband says I'm a grandma...
42. Santoku knives- I use to watch Rachel Ray just slices thru things like nobodies business on 30-minute meals and asked for one for Christmas. I think she uses her own trademark type Furi Santoku knife now but I bought mine back in the day and it's the best knife I own. Better than Cutco.
43. Avocado
44. Nuts- Do I dare to say that I've never met a nut I didn't like-lol? Truly I love pistachios, cashews, peeeecans, walnuts, macadamias, peanuts, etc etc etc
45. Workout clothes- obviously I just love clothing but I love to coordinate and look cute for the gym; it is a part of who I am.
46.VX Golds Gym treadmill
47. Black cinema - Movies like, I'm gone git you sucka, hollywood shuffle, and the Last dragon
48. Old Kung Fu movies with the whack sound effects- these movies have the coolest fight scenes and they actually have quite a bit of humor in them.
49. 50" Flat screen plasma- this thing is awesome. I know a big television is typically a man thing but I LOVE IT, especially to use in conjunction with my Tivo.
50. Cotton Candy

This is pretty much the only post for this week. Sure has been a lot of fun but a lot of effort! It kind of ended up being my favorite things, activities, and people but what's MY list and I can do what I want! :-) When I think about it, it's a crazy amount of effort put in for just 3 people to read. Maybe I will post up on my sistafriends to check it out....:-)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th. I certainly did. My office closed @ 2:00 on Friday and today is my first day back at work. Love it love it love it!
On Saturday, I got up and went four wheelin' with my hubby, BIL, and BIL's girlfriend.It was an awesome time. My honey actually taught me how to use the dirtbike and I got into 3rd gear. It was awesome. I always thought I wanted an motorcycle but now I KNOW it. I will actually be taking a motorcycle course some time this month (hubby already has a motorcycle). I can't wait really. Sunday we skipped church AGAIN :-( and snuggled. We went shopping a little later and then I relaxed during the evening while my honey visited with the fam. Monday, we cleaned for a bit but then my honey went with me to the yarn store. I also got the the most awesome bra's and underwear from Victoria's Secret. I tell you women of the world...these are the most comfortable bras I've ever owned. It's the full coverage IPEX bra. I will never go back! And the thing is, right before we went to Hawaii I had bought what I thought to be decent bras from Maidenform. I even had the twins measured to ensure accuracy ( I actually saw Oprah's bra and jean revolution and knew that I was one of the over 80% that was wearing an ill fitting bra).
I also bought one of Victoria's Secrets new sports bra's, it's called the ShockAbsorber. I. LOVE. IT. It is THE BEST sports bra I have ever owned. I am not a small chested (I'm not Pam Anderson either) woman and I can run without pain in this baby yet it is light and flexible and it doesn't cut in or leave makes; the straps are gentle (they are luxurious on the IPEX bras, BTW). It does not even have underwire in it and I do not bounce and swish all over the place in it. The sports bra cost me $40. I have never paid that much for a sports bra but ladies for this kind of comfort I would pay $100. I feel like a new woman...
I promise I will get to the acrylic yarn pics soon. Where does the time go?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I don't mind using Lion Brand yarn and other less than...natural yarns-really. I mean I'll probably be buying some of that sugar n cream cotton soon. And as a matter of fact I think every project I've posted up here thus far(except for the socks and maryjanes) has been Lion Brand yarn. I'll be keeping my far share of ghetto yarn. Shoot, I am not ashamed...DON'T JUDGE ME!!!
Nevertheless, I am getting rid of a massive amount of acrylic yarn from days were I simply just did not know what was out there and available. If anyone is interested in cream, teal, red, country blue, coral homespun, baby blue, purple etc etc acrylic yarn please hit me up and I will gladly send it to you FOR FREE. If no one is interested but knows of some nice charity that I could donate this yarn to before I send it over to ACTS or throw it away please let me know. I just want it out of my hair! I will take some pics of this stuff so y'all will have a better idea of what I'm working with.