Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick Crochet

I forgot how fast crochet is. A friend of the family has been going through a hard time recently so I decided to make her something. Of course I had some yarn that would suit her well already in my stash. It's that laceweight yarn my sister gave me when I first FIRST started knitting. I tried to knit it into lace so many times it was ridiculous. It has mohair in it and when you rip it back it gets really tangled. For some reason it never dawned on me over the years to crochet with that yarn...I've really wanted to use it b/c it's just so pretty. Anyway, the opportunity knocked and whomp---there it is...I knit this up in a day and a half- prob could have been quicker if I stayed devoted....I freaking love crochet! I need to take some post blocked pics so you can see that this is actually cute. It's this pattern. I think the yarn I used is from Cherry Tree Hill...it has little sparkles in it too.

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