Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I actually still haven't finished a single project that I've posted on here but I have started new ones. I decided that it was important for me to knit some thing for all my friends that i love and care about before we move on to Italy in a year or so. I've started to knit some Christmas gifts and plan what I'll be knitting folks for Christmas. If any of "the fam" is reading then realize your getting something knitted as a gift!
Also realize that this is a big deal. Those knitted gifts contain minutes/hours/days dedicated to you, sometimes prayed for you, or just spent thinking about your or being a person committed to loving you. KNITTED GIFT = LOVE. So appreciate it and don't hurt my feelings, you freaks!:-)
I've been knitting this one particular hat for about a decade now because it includes intarsia that I designed and I keep screwing it up. Of course I only realized how badly I've screwed it up this last time by the time I was more than halfway done with the thing! Anyway, I'm ripping it back for the third or fourth time to better days before the inartsia and trying the chart again...if it doesn't go well this time I may just FREAK OUT. Wish me luck.
I also started a snazzy intreloc scarf for another friend- it's actually pretty fun. It's like a little puzzle! You're only working 10 stiches at a time so it's not very intimidating. The directions can be a little confusing sometimes but I actually feel pretty good about this one.
Soon I'll be starting some of those Neka bags for some of the girls only I plan to use wool and felt them. Maybe some Noro is in order!
Speaking of new yarn; there seems to be a few different yarns on the list for me to buy. Capital Yarns actually sent me an email saying they are having a blow out sale complete with chocolate fountain... I'll be looking for the following...I'll let y'all know how that whole things goes

1. Alchemy Bamboo yarn- in purple hues
2. Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb - in purples or vibrant greens
3. Fiesta La Luz Multi- in same colors as above
4. 2 balls Lion Brand cashmere blend in gray
5. Noro in any colorway I like because it's just awesome like that

Now I know this looks like an expensive list but keep in mind that I will only need one skein each aside from item number 4, plus most likely I won't buy them all this weekend...all of them are for Christmas gifts. I may look at some Rowan cotton too. I might just order it from Knit Happens since it's featured this week. Who knows
I'll be in touch. Adios, peeps!


Matty said...

I think it is really sweet, you are a very caring and loving your lady

Alida Sharp said...

If you decide to pack your knitting needles all should be well on the trip over to Italy. I flew into Italy with knitting needles in my carry on... they got confiscated on my trip back to Russia!!!
Best wishes, Alida