Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another drive by!
I finally sent out the yarn to my Boomerang ghetto yarn pack winner! (lol). My package delivery guy says it will be there by Thursday Ms. Pinki!
On the other hand I went to mail my other package to Russia and was told it would cost me $191.00 UMMM!!?
I'll check out what rates the post office has going on there. I'll get it to you some way, some how Blackpurl. It's packaged up all nice and pretty like fo ya! :-) Updates to come...


Alida Sharp said...

oh my goodness! There has to be a cheaper way to send it... because no matter what the US post office says about the length of time it will take to get here it will take up to 6 weeks for us to receive it. We have had things take as long as 2 and a half months that were sent 1st class.

Is it heavy?

Ninabeena said...

I know that is what I'm saying! :-) The box is only 8lbs. I don't know what that is all about. Neverthess, I will go to the post office instead of a package store some time this coming week. I will keep you posted.

Ninabeena said...

Ha! no pun intended. Anyway, I'm such a cornball...:-)

Alida Sharp said...

I love it... keep me posted! LOL