Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hey everyone!
I haven't fallen off the earth and I haven't been drowning in depression over my hubby leaving. Been a little busy but still managed to make a little progress on things here and there. I will post more later this week.
BTW, I usually try to comment back to everyone in the comment section. There reasoning for this is pretty much because I'm being lazy and this is the easiest method for me. So check the comments if you're looking for responses from me, K?


Black Purl said...

Hey, how's the Christmas knitting going? I have been thinking about coming up there to hang out w/ you after Matt leaves? Let me know...e-mail me...or call. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! This is your KTS Pal checking in to say howdy.

Abigail said...

I'm glad we did'nt lose you. I like your blog:D

Ninabeena said...

Woohoo! my tea swap partner! WAY COOL!
Aww, thanks Abigail, I guess I should make more of a consistent effort to blog huh! :-)
Janet, the Christmas knitting? What Christmas knitting? lol. It's coming along kinda slow....