Friday, June 09, 2006

Yup, this is what you see just minding your own business on the way to eat, on the way to the beach, on the way to pump gas, on the way to shop. This is what you turn your head to the right and see....

Turn your head to the left and see this. This is just walking down the street people. Not staying in a resort, not traveling a couple miles to some place to see sights-this is just what naturally surrounds you. How awesome and different would life be if it consisted of this everyday. Like they say on the mainland, "No hurries, no worries...."

On a sour note WTC (what the crap!)...My freakin' hamstrings and biceps are drawn up so tight you could bounce a brick off of them...tonight I need to stretch hardcore especially before powerlifting Saturday.

Anyway, here's a little sumtin'sumtin'

My socks! I started to knit them but have no idea what the heck i'm doing so they are too small and a little ugly; they will be ripped out very soon.

I just bought the harlots knitting rules book and signed up for the first time sock knitters club so this should make a difference in how my 1st pair turn out looking. O how I do love ankle socks though. I hope they can help a sistah out.


Anonymous said...

sweet pics...who is the adventerous one in the distance...he's hot!!!

Harlem Purl said...

Oh come on, yoru socks don't look that bad. But like they say, beuty is in the eye of the beholder.
I would suggest you try the "Wendy" socks. I find them to be very easy to "remix" to your own specification. You can find the pattern on wendys' site, I think its but I could be mistaken. The pattern should be in the sidebar named something like, "Toe-Up Sock Pattern".
BTW, what kind of yarn is that in your pics? It looks yummy.

Ninabeena said...

Awww. thanks for the encouragement! Thanks for the comment. I have to admit receiving emails or comments is just so exciting!
Honestly, I bought the yarn ages ago with my sister and I lost the label so I really have no idea. It's pretty much the only sock yarn i own. I bet that she (my sister) would know the name. I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Thanks for the link to wendyknits. I'll be checking that out immediately. I actually like the idea of knitting socks from the toe up alot better than from the top down. The only reason why I was kinda avoiding it was because it seems like the cast on is not for the faint of heart!- lol

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your first socks! Trust me, when you get the hang of it, socks are addicting! The yarn looks yummy!

Ninabeena said...

Thanks Del, I actually haven't revisited the sock since this picture. Maybe I will pick them up again this weekend or something. I have new pattern to try

Ninabeena said...

Thanks Del, I actually haven't revisited the sock since this picture. Maybe I will pick them up again this weekend or something. I have new pattern to try